1. The man had a little hut ........ the edge of the forest.
2. My dear good man, will you please let me put my trunk ............ your hut ?
3. My hut is small but there is room ........ your trunk.
4. You can afford to remain ........ the rain while I am protecting my delicate skin .......... the rain.
5. How dare anyone disturb the peace ........ my kingdom.
6. I have only been having a little discussion ................ my friend here.
7. Gentlemen, there is no need ........ me to waste your valuable time.
8. A Royal Commission was again appointed to look .......... the matter, and the same finding was given.
9. You are wandering ........... far away ......... home.
10. I have some vague notions .......... human beings, including myself.
11. There are ............. me good men and thieves, those who suffer ........... infectious diseases.
12. It was a quite a big city ........ the valley of mountains, some 1500 miles ........ home.
13. Some ...... them went ......... distance places and lent out money ......... interest.
14. I stayed in that city ........ a very small room ........ a dirty street.
15. I taught them to write addresses ...... English.
16. In those days i would sleep all day and wake up ........ Four ........ the evening.
17. He asked me to take .......... my shirt.
18. Everyone turned ........ the direction ...... the voice.
19. Blue eyes were common ....... this place.
20. He took out .......... his various pockets about five wallets. One ......... them was mine.
1. at, 2. inside, 3. for 4. in, from 5. of, 6. with, 7. for, 8. into 9. around, from. 10. about. 11. around, from. 12. in, from. 13. of, to, on. 14. in, on. 15. in 16. at, in. 17. off. 18. in, of. 19. at 20. from, among
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