The play narrated as a story in just 15 minutes...Watch it, You will understand better.
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Standard Questions and Answers. These answers will get you 4out of 4.
Q1. What made Gonzalo flee Valencia ? Or Why did Gonzalo run away from Valencia ? Or. What was the circumstance that lead Gonzalo flee Valencia ?
Ans : When Gonzalo was a young man ; he fell in love with a beautiful maiden who belonged to an aristocratic family. She was popularly known as 'Silver Maiden'. Gonzalo went on horse back and looked at Laura who waited at the window of her room for Gonzalo's arrival. They exchange flowers. This was going on for sometimes.
Laura's parents want Laura to marry a wealthy merchant. Laura could not oppose her parents' decision. Betrothal takes place with the merchant.
One day the merchant saw Gonzalo talking to Laura. He became angry and challenged Gonzalo for a duel. Next morning duel took place between the two young men. The merchant was badly wounded. Sensing danger to his life, Gonzalo fled Valencia.
Q 2. Trace how irony is built up in the play 'A Sunny Morning ?
Ans : The play 'A Sunny Morning' is full of ironies. The playwright has wrapped a sad love affair with a comic cover. The play begins with a trivial note of irony and as the play progresses, the bigger ironies unfold.
First, Gonzalo claims a bench, in the public park, to be his own. But, when he responds to Laura, he says no one owns any bench in a public park. He contradicts his own statement which is an irony.
Next, a love story known to both of them unfolds as they talk. The irony is that it is their own story. But, they talk as if it is someone's story.
Both identify each other but think that the other is ignorant. Another great irony is that both of them spin a story each in which they sacrifice their life for the love. But, the reality is that both of them marry after some times. They concoct stories of their own funeral when they are alive.
Q 3. Why do Laura and Gonzalo spin fictious story about themselves ?
Ans : Laura and Gonzalo are about seventy years old. They meet at a park on a sunny morning. Their encounter begins with a hostile note. Laura continues with irritating comments that puts poor Gonzalo on the defensive. Gonzalo offers Laura a pinch of fine snuff, they sneeze three times and become friends.
During their conversation, a sad love story unfolds. They come to know that they are the same lovers who had to depart because of a duel. They marry someone after sometime. But now both of them are guilty of forgetting their love and marrying another person. So, they create a story each to conceal their identity. Guilt makes them tell lies.
Q. Bring out the comic elements in the play ' A Sunny Morning'.
Answers : The play 'A Sunny Morning' is a comedy of manners. We come across situations that evoke laughter. We also come across pretty remarks and bantering which entertain the audience.
Don Gonzalo and Dona Lara are the chief protagonists in the play. They meet accidentally at a public park. What goes between them is a comedy.
First, when Don Gonzalo walks towards the birds, they are scared away. This irritates Laura but she only warns Gonzalo to look out. But when Gonzalo says it is a public park, Laura retorts at him saying how then he claimed a seat to be his own. And then she comments on Gonzalo's walking. She refers it to be worse than a carriage that raises a lot of dust. This puts Gonzalo on the defensive and the audience is delighted.
Next, when Laura sees Gonzalo wiping his shoes with his handkerchief, she makes fun of him. Again poor Gonzalo is on the defensive.
Further, Laura comments on Gonzalo's big spectacles. She says it looked like a telescope. Offended Gonzalo retorts at Lara saying that his eyesight is keener than her eyesight. He says she can ask hares and partridges as a proof. She then taunts that he only kills time when he goes for hunting and mere presence of a wild boar's head doesn't prove anything.
Q 2.
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