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The Voter (Questions &Ans)

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Vijayeendra Kshatriya

                               The Voter

      Q-1). Sketch the character of Rufus Okeke.

Ans)     Rufus Okeke, alias Roof is the protagonist in the short story “The Voter”. He is a complex a character.

Roof’s strengths --                                                                                                                                                  Unlike other young men of Umuofia, he is the one who comes back to his village only to guide his people. People love and respect him. He is very active and a good speaker. He becomes a trusted man to Marcus Ibe who is a minister in PAP government. He is shrewd and intelligent. He knows the mood and temper of voters at any given time. He is well-versed in electioneering at all levels. He is a good manipulator. He uses different strategies to win vote for his master.

 Roof’s weaknesses :-

Roof uses the goodwill for manipulating. He is a changed man now. He has become selfish. He misuses the trust of his master as well as his people for his selfish gains. He becomes a moral bankrupt when he is offered five pounds for his vote. Though he consoles himself giving reasons to his act of omission and commission, he is still a guilty conscious man. He has no control over his drinking habit. 

Q-2) Roof as an intelligent manipulator. Justify this statement with respect to the story ‘The Voter’.

Ans )   Rufus Okeke, alias Roof is a protagonist in the short story “The Voter”. He is a complex character. He is an important part of politics is in itself a testimony that he is a manipulator. He has gained the love and trust of his people and his master, Marcus Ibe. He uses, or rather misuses,  to win vote for his master.

                Roof uses three pronged strategy during his campaign trails.                           ( 1) He woos the voter by offering shillings and pipe borne water. (2) He praises them of being lucky to have a son of Umuofia as a minister. (3) He threatens the voters by saying that even if they vote to Maduka, PAP will form the next government for sure. He warns them that  their votes will  simply go waste if they do not vote for Marcus Ibe. He is the head of the whispering campaign. He bargains as much as possible but makes sure that people vote for PAP. First he offers two shillings to each voter. When they say it is shameful, he puts one more. When they don’t pick up, he puts one more and resolutely says it was the maximum he can offer. People are of the opinion that Roof has made a lot of money during the campaign. These all  show  that he is a good manipulator.

Q-3) Trace the change in the attitude of the voters of Umuofia before the second election.


      As there was no formidable opposition in Umuofia, people voted for PAP without expecting anything from Marcus Ibe in the previous election and Marcus won a landslide victory. Now, they are still with PAP but, they are expecting some money for their vote. They say that they have come to know that their votes have some value. They are of the opinion that Marcus has made a lot of money during the last five years and hence they are demanding a little of it to be given to the voters. They say that they did not ask yesterday and will not ask  tomorrow, today is their day and they are firm in their resolution to get something for their vote this time.

   Everyone is opportunistic, everyone is ethically bankrupt in this corruption ridden system and society. It is very akin to our own system in India.

Q-4) Describe the meeting of POP campaign head with Roof. What was the outcome of the meeting? 

Ans)  The night before the election day, there is a surprise and a secret meeting of the two stalwarts of POP and PAP. POP campaign head, accompanied by few men,  meets Roof at the latter’s residence. Though both are friends, the meeting is cold and business like. The man offers Roof five pounds for Roof’s single vote. Roof is taken aback but the notes kept in front of him jitter him. He can’t resist the temptation. His conscience  puts him in dilemma. He knows well that succumbing to the temptation means betrayal of trust that his master has on him.  He asks The POP men if the deal would be kept a secret. The leader of POP says that they are after votes  not gossips. But, greed over powers his conscience and finally Roof falls in to the trap of POP. Roof is made to swear by ‘iyi’ before they depart from there to make sure that he votes to Maduka. 

                  That day, ethics and moral values were on sale. Vice won over nobility.

6 Marks Question

Q-5)  To every man comes a time for reckoning. How does Roof’s dilemma on the day of election reflect this? 

Ans)                        The short story ‘The Voter’ by Chinua Achebe, lays bare the electoral malpractices that make the mockery of a sacred institution called ‘Democracy’.  It also exposes how corruption and greed destroy the human character. It also makes one sad to see that the cherished ethics and values like morality and trust surrender to the power of money.

            Roof is a trustworthy man to Marcus Ibe. He is very active in campaigning. He does all that fetches votes for his master. Roof has been a faithful man so far. But on the eve of election day, Roof falls prey to the bribe offer from the rival camp. Greed overpowers conscience and he accepts five pounds as bribe to vote for Maduka. He even swears on Iyi that he would vote for Maduka.

     On the day of election, Guilty conscious Roof tries hard to conceal  his guilt that is showing on his face now and then. When his turn comes, he acts as if he is joyful and gets in to the booth. He takes a lot of time inside the booth. This is the proof that he is in dilemma and contemplating.

               The time for reckoning comes now to Roof. He has to decide on his action. Suddenly a thought flashes in his mind. He folds the ballot paper and tears it in to two and drops each half in to two boxes, verbally confirming that he votes for Maduka. 

  Roof seems to be relived of the guilt as he thinks that he has done a right thing. But it is a temporary relief. It is merely an act of escapism for not doing justice to anyone. The guilt will remain forever.

(To understand the story well, watch this video. It is explained in kannada.)



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