Frame a question beginning with the right form of ‘Do’
1. They drove through the foot hills of The
Did they drive through the foot hills of the Alps ?
2. Babar Ali takes higher classes.
Does Babar Ali take take higher classes ?
3. The elephant thanked his friend.
Did the Elephant thank his friend ?
Frame Wh-Questions so as to get the underlined word/ words as answer.
1. Man has failed to understand the nature and her ways.
What has man failed to understand ?
2. Nicola and Jacopo sold wild strawberries on the outskirts of Verona.
Where did Nicola and Jacopo sell wild strawberries ?
3. The commission was appointed to look into the matter.
Why was the commission appointed ?
4. There were five members in the commission.
How many members were there in the commission ?
5. The elephant put his trunk inside the hut slowly
How did the elephant put his trunk inside the hut ?
6. The lion wanted to have peace and tranquility in his kingdom.
What did the lion want in his kingdom ?
7. The people around him looked like a hungry wolves.
How did the people around him look like?
8. The big city was situated in the valley of a mountain.
Where was the big city situated ?
9. Mara met the king at his palace at midnight.
Where did Mara meet the king at midnight?
10. Uday express leaves Bangalore at 8pm for Mumbai.
At what time does Uday express leave Bangalore for Mumbai.
11 ) Their sister was suffering from tuberculosis.
What was their sister suffering from ?