Fill in the blanks by choosing the expression given in the bracket :
1). The prince would have hard put to it to feed his courtiers and officials and keep himself. But, when the year passed, the kinglet, looking over the account, noticed a new item of expenditure.
2) you
must find Some cheaper way of dealing
with the rascal. The only way to get rid of him was to offer him a
3) You have ruined my character by your sentence and people will turn their back on me. Besides, I have got out of the way of working.
4) The owner became lethargic and shied away from hard work. Even though he had precious little to do , his life was crowded with colourful events.
5) The old man smiled at her and brought down an offering of tender coconut. The sun was slipping away in to the western horizon.
6) The old man went on. “ No, his name was not Sangoji, it was Basavaiah” . He expressed his amazement at how facts take on such varied guises when they are narrated as fictions
7) If Tammanna bought four more acres adjucent to his land, Basavaiah followed suit.
8) By now, the quarrel between these two had sucked in all their supporters. One could also take recourse to the police.
9) He hit upon the idea of composing ballads and singing them. Now the rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah started moving away from tings that were visible , towards an invisible, absrtact domain.
10) Tammanna’s songs started making a mention of Basavaiah’s cruelty and his meanness.
11) I thought that my death alone could destroy Basavaiah. I gave up everything and started off. A few days after I left, Basavaiah passed away. He had no reason to live.
12) Hardly anyone can afford a car. Yet this only means that the number of motor vehicles is growing by leaps and bounds, almost as if cars were distributed free of charge to all and sundry.
13) An old hurricane lamp glass chimney gave out yellowish light in their midst. Out side beyond the fastened door the moon kept a straight face.
14) No one knew for certain how much money POP has let loose in Umuofia but it is said to be considerable. The local campaigners would end up very rich, no doubt.
15) Roof cast a glance towards the minister and received the smile of appreciation. “ Vote for the car” he shouted, all the veins in his neck standing out.
16) Marcus did not wish to throw away even a single vote. As soon as the first rush of voters was over, he promptly asked his campaign boys to go and put in their votes.
17) Roof dashed off in his springly fashion towards the booth. He siddled in and was confronted by the car and the head.
18) People find ways of hitting out at their backwardness, of expressing defiance, of hammering at fetters that hold them.
19) Over 10o,000 rural women have taken to bicycling as a symbol of independence freedom and mobility. And over 70,000 women have taken part in public exhibition cum contest.
20) in the heart of pudukkottai, young women zip along the roads on their bicycles. Jammelabai who has taken to cycling told me ; “ its my right”.
21) I know people made dirty remarks when I started cycling, but I paid no attention.
22) Cycling has swept across this district. But, women had to put up with vicious attacks on their character when this began.
23) In Kilakuruchi village all the prospective learners had turned out in their Sunday best.
24) Bicycle cuts down on time wasted in waiting for the buses.
25) A new generation was coming up that was too young to gain from the first round but Pudukkottai remains unique among Indian districts for stunning proportion of women who have taken to cycling.
26) Sheela rani Chunkat included mobility as part of the literary drive. The neo cyclists turned a deaf ear to the hostile remarks from some men.
27) All the while Roof , weighed down with guilt , pretended to be in high spirits.
28) Tammanna was in search of a method that could annihilate Basavaiah completely. He hit upon the idea of composing all his experiences in the form of ballads.
29) Roof had not abandoned his village in order to seek work in the town. He had given up the his good job of his free will.
30) Though Marcus Ibe was a minister, he had no swollen head. He never blew his own trumpet.
1. So, the king lives and reigns, and ................ the money, and ............. his court ............. all the ceremony of a real king.
( reckon it up, rakes in, hold + with )
2. The criminal might live for fifty years. When one came................. , the matter was serious. It would never do. So, the Prince summoned his ministers and said to them : " You must find some cheaper way of ........................ this rascal.
( dealing with, looking over, to reckon it up )
3. The kinglet, .................... the account of his income and expenditure one day, noticed a new item of expenditure. This was for .................... the criminal.
( Reckon it up,. Keep of,. looking over)
4. You have ruined my character by your sentence and people will .................. me. Besides I have ........................... of working.
( get out of the way of, looking over,. turn their backs on )
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