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On Buying and Selling' by Kahlil Gibean


A noble merchant requests a prophet to enlighten him on 'Buying and Selling. The prophet replies that our Mother Earth produces enough for the needs of all the creatures. The gift of the Earth should be shared among all of us with love and justice.

If one knows how to do a piece of work and if one is willing to work, then one doesn't need to ask for things ; they will come to him. Further, the prophet says that the gifts of the Nature should be shared in such a way that everyone gets a fair share for his/her labour or art.

The prophet addresses the fishermen and farmers and calls upon them to invoke the master spirit of the Earth ( policy of fair share with love and justice ) while dealing with artisans. The fare we offer to their works of art should commensurate with the talent, labour and skill involved.  There should be no room for exploitation. Let's give them the best price. 

The prophet then talks about 'The unemployed' ( barren hand). They should be taken along by those who can share their work. No one should ever think that if more people are involved, the profit will reduce. The prophet reiterates that the land the sea has enough to offer for. We should trust the prophet. So, no one should ever fear about competition. We should develop only compassion. 

   Next, the prophet talks of the artists. Every human being should have aesthetic sense. We need art to satisfy our soul. As farmers produce food for our body, artists produce the pieces of art that our soul ( aesthetics) needs. So, those artists should also get their fair share. We all should make sure that nobody remains without work and without food.

  If we follow the principles of business as we are doing now, greed over powers need and it leads to exploitation and inequality in the society. Inequality leads to class struggle and that will be disastrous for our society. So, if we want to lead a peaceful and beautiful life, we must follow the prophet's 'principles of share and care'. 

  Finally the prophet says that the master spirit of the Earth will feel satisfied only when the poorest of the poor has enough to lead a good life.


Milan Tomic

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