Sonnet 73
William Shakespeare
In this sonnet Shakespeare is lamenting about his advancing age. His unrest and his worry about getting closer to death and his unfulfilled desire of receiving more and more love from his intimate friend, 'The Fair Youth' can clearly be seen.
Using series of metaphors and other poetic devices, the poet has presented the harsh condition of advancing age.
In the first quatrain, the poet compares his advancing age to the late autumn. How harsh is old age is shown by presenting the 'Nature' during autumn, leaves of a tree turn yellow and fall. Some leaves that are left, shiver in the cold. This comparison is to indicate that his body is losing its vigour and vitality that he had during his youth. 'Bare ruined choirs' where late the sweet birds sang shows that the birds that used to sit on the branches and sing happily have gone away from there. This condition in the Nature, is the condition of the poet's life. It has lost the colourful and lively youth.
In the second quatrain, the poet compares his old age to 'twilight'. The Twilight ends up in night. Here the poet considers the sunrise as the beginning of his life and night as the death. So, Twilight is considered as the old age. 'Death's second self' mentioned here, is the black night that makes every creature sleep. The poet is worried that soon he will see the end of his life.
In the third quatrain, the poet compares his old age to a 'dying fire' that lingers on the ashes of the burning log. The fuel in the log makes the log burn and slowly produce ash. This ash slowly reduces the flame and ultimately extinguishes the fire. In the same way his vigour, vitality and energy are reduced because of his old age. It is the irony, that the thing that nourished, is going to consume it. This is the sad state of old age.
In the couplet, the poet is seen suggesting that if his friend understands the situation well, it would make his love for the poet stronger. The poet wants their relationship stronger, before they depart. Here, we can see how desperate is the poet to get the love from the fair youth.
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