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Romeo and Juliet 6 marks Qn

Qn -  Between Romeo and Juliet whose love do you think is more passionate and intense ?

Ans : Though it is difficult to judge whose love is more passionate or intense or true without going through the complete play, yet a close observation of the two given soliloquies reveals that Juliet's love is more passionate, intense and true.

    When we observe what happened just before Romeo's chance encounter with Juliet ;  it reveals that Romeo loved Rosaline intensely and passionately. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked his life by entering into the enemy's premises.

As soon as Romeo looks at Juliet, he forgets Rosaline entirely. It is because Juliet was more beautiful than Rosaline. A doubt creeps up in a reader's mind that if he sees another maiden who is more beautiful than Juliet, he could forget Juliet 

So it could be inferred that the love for Juliet could be an infatuation. We can't take Romeo's words for granted that it is a true love. In his soliloquy Romeo expresses his feeling of love by referring to her fairness and beauty. So, his love is based on the looks and it is restricted to physical Beauty.

On the contrary, Juliet's love goes beyond physical appearances. Juliet's love is so intense that she cannot think of Romeo's death. She cannot imagine the perishing body of Romeo. She wants Romeo to live forever. So she asks her people to cut his dead body into pieces and throw them into the sky so that all those pieces would turn into beautiful stars that twinkle in the sky forever and he would be immortal. This is what makes Juliet's love true, intense and passionate.



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