Words in different forms like verb, noun and Adjective
First try to find the correct form of the word and then look for the answers.
1. I am sure that you will be pleased with the .................. ( Find) of the Commission.
2. But he was told that it was impossible, since no one from his side was well enough ............... ( Education) to understand the .............. ( Intricate) og the jungle law.
3. On ............ (See) the personnel, the man ...........,. ( protesting) and asked if it was necessary to ............... ( Inclusion) in this commission a member from his side.
4. He might rest ................... ( Assurance) that they would ................... ( Investigation) the matter with the greatest care and report .................. ( Impartial)
5. The commission sat to take the........,.( Evidently)
6. There is no need for me to waste your ............... ( Value) time in relating a story which you all know.
7. In our opinion this dispute has arisen through a ................. ( Regret) misunderstanding due to the ................ ( Backward) of your ideas.
8. As it is clearly for your good that the space should be put to its most ............... ( Economy) use, and as you yourself have not yet reached the stage of .............. ( Expand) which would enable you to fill it, we consider it necessary to .................. ( Arrangement) a compromise to ................. ( Suitable) both the parties.
1. Finding.
2. Educated, intricacy
3. Seeing,. Protested, include
4. Assured, investigate, impartially
5. Evidence
6. Valuable
7. regrettable, backwardness
8. economic, expansion, suit
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