I Answer any 12 questions.
1. Mr. Leopard
2. Unoccupied
3. Hunts man/ a hunter
4. His books
5. Some earned by working as Watchmen, some earned by getting interest and some by fraud/ foul means.
6. Night from 9.30 till 11. / 9.30 pm to 11pm
7. Education.
8. 14 Rupees
9. Whenever it itched.
10. Sun light
11. To tell the king to build a tank across river Veda.
12. The lake
13. By consuming poison / by taking poison.
14. Children of the dead farmer.
15. Burr
16. The Horseshoe shrine / Khandoba temple at Jejuri.
17. 30 km.
18. Juliet's tomb
34. Legume family
35. In wide variety of soils and wide range climates.
36. Soy milk / tofu / soy sauce/ soy oil ( Any one)
37. Other uses - candles and bio-diesel
38. LDL - Low density lipoprotein
39. That soy protein reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases.
40. b) can lower levels of LDL
41. Because soy milk has no lactose.
42. Unsaturated
43. Versatility
44. In, a, with, the
45. began, digested, had eaten, was.
46. go, makes, is
47. I get up at 5am / I get up at 5 in the morning. / 5 O'clock in the morning.
48. Why are you late ?
49. Weak
50. Imagination
51. The Goddess stood before me.
52. You are virtuous, aren't you?
53. Did the teacher give us home work ?
54. When did Mara meet the king at his palace ?
55. a) Sri. K. E. Babu, the commissioner. (b) 142 (c) at 2 pm. (d) 1.5 lakh for Half Marathon and 3.5 lakh for Full Marathon.
1 Take a right turn -- v) giving direction.
2. Hi, how are you ? -- iv) greeting
3. It is very kind of you -- ii) Exp gratitude
4. You look great --- iii) Complimenting
5. Could you please... - i) making a request
As this set of dialogues is vague ( is not specific on anything) it can be answered in many ways. Your lecturer will decide.
( This is only a model. You don't need to write in this way.)
Vindu : Excuse me, I am new to this place.
Raja : What do you want ?
Vindu : Could you please tell me the location of Raghava Kala Mandira ?
Raja : Why not ? You please take this road and walk a little. You find it at the right side.
Vindu: Oh ! It's so kind of you, thank you so much.
Raja : It's ok. You are welcome
59. Here also students can write in many ways. So, the Lecturer will decide.
( This is only a model. You don't need to write in this way.)
Sales Assistant : Hello, Madam, good morning. What type of cellphone would you like to purchase ?
Rowena : I would like to purchase a smartphone in the range of 15000 to 20,000 rupees.
Sales Assistant : Do you prefer any particular brand, Madam.
Rowena : Show me some smart phones from Samsung, Mi, and Micromax.
Sales Assistant : Sure, madam. Please have a seat.
Rowena : I shall have this piece. Make a bill.
Sales Assistant : Thank you madam. I shall pack it and present you the bill soon.
ಪ್ರೀಯ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳೇ,
ನೀವು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಅನ್ನು ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ ಕಲಿಯಲು ಅವಕಾಶ ಕಡಿಮೆ ಆಗಿ ಕೆಲವರಿಗೆ ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಓದಲು ಬರೆಯಲು ಬರುವದಿಲ್ಲ. ಅದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಗಳು ಮುಗಿದಮೇಲೆ ಯೂಟ್ಯೂಬ ಮುಖಾಂತರ ಕಲಿಯಲು ಅವಕಾಶ ಕಲ್ಪಸಿಕೊಡಲಾಗಿದೆ.
ಯೂಟ್ಯೂಬ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ Vijayeendra kshatriya ಅಂತ ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಚಾನೆಲ್ ಸಿಗುತ್ತೆ. Subscribe ಮಾಡಿ ಫೋಟೋ ಮೇಲೆ ಒತ್ತಿ. Playlists ಅಂತ ಕಾಣುತ್ತೆ ಅದನ್ನ ಟಚ್ ಮಾಡಿ English Basics ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ. ಕಲಿತಾಹೋಗಿ.
Dear Students,
After the completion of your examination, you start learning English if you feel you have not learnt English well in high school. Basics should be strong. My YouTube channel Vijayeendra Kshatriya will guide to learn English well.
Open YouTube, type vijayeendra kshatriya and subscribe it ( if not subscribed). Touch the screen and touch playlists. Select English Basics and watch videos serially. Complete the course in your holidays. There will be a lot of improvement in your English language skills.
Videos of 2nd PUC are also there in the channel. You can start your study in the holidays.
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