Qn : Heaven needs to be created on the Earth by human efforts. How is it brought out in 'Heaven if you are not here on Earth'. (6 Marks )
( The most likely question for 2022 Exam)
Poem 'Heaven if you are not here on Earth' is a short poem with great philosophy. It questions the age old myth of the presence of Heaven and hell and rejects the concept and the futile exercise of attaining Heaven after our death.
According to Kuvempu, a renowned poet of Kannada literature, Heaven is an illusion created by our ancestors. Many people simply believe all that is given in our scriptures. But there are some rational people who question the age old religious beliefs. Kuvempu is one among them.
In the poem, the two lines that begin the poem tell a lot about the concept of Heaven, negating its existence in an indirect way and with an assertion that the heaven exists right here on this Earth. What a fabulous beginning !
In the first stanza, the poet negates the existence of Gods and Nymphs, the entities who dwell in heaven, in an indirect way. And at the same time he advises the human beings to transform themselves into Gods and Nymphs. According to the popular belief, gods are supposed to be an entity with pure soul and always benevolent. Kuvempu wants that Human beings should transform themselves into Gods and Nymphs. This can be possible when we change; our thoughts, conduct and attitude. He says it is possible to become Gods or Nymphs when we live a noble life and by being benevolent and pure. Be good to others and do good to all, and you create heaven around you. There is no need for seeking heaven whose existence in question.
The poet further makes a point that Nature, in all its beautiful manifestation like roaring streams, rolling surf at the edge of the waves, the moon light that spreads on the harvest, makes this Earth a heaven. Even, a poet can create the heaven by his sweet words that he has acquired through is experience in life. A poet has that power by virtue of his knowledge and experience. So, all that is good and nice on this Earth is heavenly.
Nature is the true ‘Heaven’ and noble people are Gods and Nymphs. Seek not heaven, for, you are already in heaven. just discover it. The poem is quite relevant to the world which treats 'Mother The Earth' as a dead matter and pollute it beyond redemption
( Watch this video for the critical appreciation of this poem. Add those points to this answer )
Answers to QUESTIONS carrying 4 marks.
Q-1). How , according to the poet, one finds
heaven on this Earth?
Ans) In the
poem ‘Heaven If You Are Not On Earth’, the beginning couplet
implies that heaven is right here on this Earth. People have a very vague
concept of Heaven. Many believe that it exists beyond this earth and many
people aspire to attain it after their death.
It is very
interesting to note that the poet accepts the concept of heaven but he calls
upon the people to find that heaven on this earth. This can be possible when we
change; our thoughts, conduct and attitude. He says it is possible to become
Gods or Nymphs when we live a noble life and be alive to beauty.
poet calls upon the people to discover
the heaven on this mother Earth. Nature, in its various manifestations
like, streams, hills, rain, trees, flowers fruits and so on ….., is
Nature is the true ‘Heaven’ and noble people are Gods and
nymphs. Seek not heaven, for, you are
already in heaven. just discover it. The poem is quite relevant to the world
which treats The Earth as a dead matter and pollute it beyond redemption.
Describe the beauty in Nature that makes
‘Earth’ a heavenly place.
Ans) In
the poem ‘Heaven If You Are Not On Earth’, the poet calls upon
the people to shun the idea that ‘Heaven
is somewhere beyond this earth. He emphasizes that heaven is right here. The
only requirement is aesthetic
As heaven is only
an abstract idea, it lies in the domain of our mind. “As is the thought, so is
the world”. If one believes that one is in heaven, then, he experiences
According to the
poet, Nature, in its various manifestations, is so beautiful and charming. An
abode of happiness. The roaring stream, surf that dances to the movement of
waves, snow covered peaks of mountain range, green vegetation that soothes our
eyes, tender and golden rays of the Sun, the rays that fall on the pearl like
dew drops that are on the blades of grass, and so on and so forth….are parts of
this ‘Heaven’. In the splendor of harvest when moon light falls all over, there
lies ‘Heaven’
Nature is
the true ‘Heaven’ and noble people are Gods and nymphs. Seek not heaven,
for, you are already in heaven. Just
discover it. The poem is quite relevant to the world which treats The Earth as
a dead matter and pollute it beyond redemption.
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