Report on 'Time spent by Students'
The given pie chart shows the percentage of time spent by students on an average in a day randomly chosen for activities like home work, watching programmes and sports matches, going out with friends etc.
Highlights of the data :
The survey shows some facts about our younger generation that makes us worry and it is alarming. Most of their valuable time is spent on going out with friends (17%) and watching reality shows , cinemas, sports events etc. (17%) that take away much of their time which is sheer waste of time. Ofcourse, social interaction is required and a little entertainment is needed. But, 34% of time in a day is really unwanted and simply a waste.
Interpretation of the data :
The pie chart shows that only 25% of the time is spent in college. An equal time is spent in sleeping which is a necessity. Going out with friends and watching Television programmes together makes it 34%. Just 8% of the time is spent on doing homework, so poor ! Another 8% is spent on doing some miscellaneous activities.
Analysis of the data :
What worries is the whopping 34% of time spent in unwanted activities. Students should realise that they are in their formative years of life. It is an important part of building a career. Parents must look in to this trend and should take measures to reduce this 34% to 6 to 8% only. Cricket is the killer in India. Teachers can be only Counselors. Parents and peers have the big role to play.
Hope people will take note of this survey and take remedial measures to get our students on right path.
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