The Elixir of Life. (Summary)
Elixir ( Amrita ) is an imaginary liquid that gives immortality to human beings. Here, the author is speaking about a liquid as important and precious as Elixir. That is 'plain water'.
Importance of 'Water'
Water is life. All plants and animals need water to stay alive. The author brings two pictures; The landscape where plenty of water is present. It is full of greenery and teeming with all forms of life ( The valley river Nile). On the opposite side is the land without water( a sea of billowing sand). A desert ( Libyan Desert ) where almost no life exists. This shows the importance of water.
We need water and fertile soil for our agriculture. Rain is the chief source of water. Most of the farmers in India depend on seasonal rains. Irregular and scanty rainfall adversely affects our agriculture. This is one of the main problems in India.
Water management :
When it rains in the catchment areas ( normally hilltop) the water flows in streams and rivers into the sea or ocean. A little portion of this water fills ponds, tanks, lakes etc. which can be used. But, a large part of the river water goes waste. It flows into the oceans. This can be utilised if we construct bunds and dams. Construction of a dam is a big project. It has to be taken up by the central government.
Advantages of construction of a Dam :
1. Ensuring regular supply of water for many purposes. The water stored in the dam is distributed through canals to the fields that guarantees crops.
2. Generation of Hydro-electric power is possible at the dam. This electricity can be used for industry. Development of industry increases productivity and reduces the unemployment problem. Electricity can be used for irrigation ( by pumping up ground water into fields ). This leads to development of rural areas.
3. Canals can be used as inland waterways for transportation. This is the cheapest transportation system.
Soil :
Erosion : Chipping of the upper layer of earth crust due to many geological processes is called erosion.
Erosion as a boon
When the large particles move from mountains along with water, turn into smaller particles during their journey towards the ocean. The fine particles ( silt) are deposited on the river banks. This makes the soil fertile for agriculture. This is a boon for farmers. River banks are most suitable place for human settlements. Almost all our ancient civilizations flourished on the river banks.
Erosion as a Bane
The flood water washes away the fine silt already deposited earlier. It forms ravines and deep gullies in the plane and fertile land making it unfit for agriculture. This is a curse for farmers.
Causes of soil erosion :
1. Floods : Excess rainfall causes a lot of water to move on the land. This water washes away the top soil.
2. Slope of the land : slope of the land makes water rush fast. This also washes away the top soil.
3. Lack of vegetation: Due to clearing of jungles for mining and other purposes, flow of water is unchecked. This makes water move fast and erode the top soil.
Effects of soil erosion:
1. Ravines and deep gullies are formed due to erosion. This makes a plane and fertile land barren and useless.
Remedial measures to reduce soil erosion :
1. Terracing of the land : Problem of land having slope can be solved by making the land like large steps. Sudden rush of water can be prevented by this method.
2. Construction of bunds in the fields : Small barriers can be built in the land so that water along with silt can be arrested in the field itself.
3. Afforestation : Soil erosion can be prevented by planting suitable trees around the fields and where deforestation has taken place.
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