ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಥೆ ಕೇಳಲು ಈ ವೀಡಿಯೋ ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ
The Gardener Q-1.) Bring out the changes in lifestyle of the owner after the arrival of the old man.
Ans) One day an old man arrives at one of the
farms near Chenrayapatna. He is a farm hand. He is in search of a job. He meets the owner of a farm and after some negotiations, stays on.
As the old man is hard working, honest and well
versed in farming. Due to good tending, the yield started increasing. Some changes could be seen in the farm. Petty thefts come to an end. Income increases exponentially every
year. So, the owner keeps buying adjacent lands and expand the farm. The owner
becomes rich. But, he becomes lethargic and shies away from working at the farm. He
acquires more and more friends and passes his time in gambling, drinking and
going to other women. The owners wife is worried that their life is going out of control. She is unable
to judge whether the old man’s arrival is a boon or a curse to her family.
Q-2 ) Give an account of the strategies used by Tammanna to destroy Basavaiah.
Or Trace the course of rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah that moved away from visible domain to an abstract domain.
Tammanna and Basavaiah are staunch rivals. Each wants to out do and out wit the
other. First, Tammanna and Basavaiah keep buying lands from the villagers. One day, no land is left for further buying. When Basavaiah forcibly acquires
two hundred acres of Tammanna’s land, the latter plans another strategy to
tackle Basavaiah.
He knows that he can out do Basavaiah only by using his unique talent. He starts composing ballads
and singing them. He becomes famous very soon. Basavaiah shrinks in
humiliation. He keeps busy in accumulating material wealth. He pays money to
some people to praise him. He calls scholars to his mansion. But he fails to out
do Tammanna as he doesn't have this talent.
A few days later, Tammanna falls ill.
This is a great opportunity for Basaviah to rejoice. Now, it is time for Tammanna
to be humiliated. But he is helpless. At this time, a strange idea comes to
Tammanna. He knows that Basavaiah would give fierce resistance at body level.
So, he decides to end his life as a final strategy to out do Basavaiah. He
knows that the boredom would definitely make Basavaiah suffer a lot and ultimately
kill him. Instead of ending his life, Tammanna flees the place one day.
Q- 3 )
Why does Tammanna feel that human nature can be strange?
Tammanna avenges himself while avenging his rival Basavaiah. Elucidate.
Ans) “ Everything is fine and fair in love and
war” . This can be extended to ‘Rivalry’ as well. Human beings have a
very strange psyche that one goes to the extent of annihilating oneself to inflict
pain and suffering to one’s rival. What is stranger than this is the fact that
it is not limited to individuals but it is applicable to groups, communities
and even countries.
Tammanna and Basavaiah are staunch rivals. Each wants to out do and out wit the other. First, Tammanna and Basavaiah keep buying lands from the villagers. On one day no land is left for further buying. When Basavaiah forcibly acquires two hundred acres of Tammanna’s land. Now, he knows it is no use to acquire lands and wealth. So, he plans another strategy to tackle Basavaiah. He uses his unique talent of composing songs and ballads. He becomes famous and hence out does his rival. But, soon Tammanna falls ill. This gives Basavaiah a chance to out do Tammanna. Shrunk in humiliation, Tammanna now thinks of taking an extreme step of annihilating himself in order to inflict pain and suffering to his rival. This he feels too strange, but true. Finally he gives up every thing and walks away from there. Thus, in a way he avenges himself.
Questions carrying 6 marks.
Qn1. 'Man goes on living for some revange'. To what extent is it true in case of Basavaiah and Tammanna ?
Answer : The story 'The Gardener' is based on the premise that 'Man goes on living for some revange'. It is quite true in the case of Basavaiah and Tammanna. The parallel drawn to describe the fate of these rivals is the cold war rivalry between the superpowers The USA and The USSR. This is very interesting.
About the story :
Genre : A fiction and Short story translated from Kannada.
Author : P.Lankesh.
Narration : First person and a story in a story.
Theme : A man can go to the extent of annihilating himself in order to inflict pain to his rival/enemy.
Plot : Basavaiah and Tammanna are rivals. At first, the competition between the two is restricted to acquiring material wealth by fair means. Later it turns in to acquiring by foul means( illegal acquisition of Thammanna's two hundred acres of land). Then, Tammanna uses his talent of writing ballads to defeat Basavaiah and succeeds to some extent. But, his bed-ridden state makes him believe that he is losing. Then their activities go from concrete to abstract domain. Tammanna thinks of committing suicide in order to inflict pain to Basavaiah. This state of mind is extremely dangerous and unsolicited. But, he avoids committing suicide and leaves his home forever and works as a farmhand in someone's garden, living a solitary life. Basavaiah dies in a few months due to boredom as expected.
The author mentions the about the rivalry between The erstwhile USSR and The USA. The comparison is apt. But, the only difference is that The USA survived but Basavaiah perished.
Moral : Rivalry is desirable so long as there is no enmity. It should be restricted to a healthy competition which provides an opportunity to realise one's potential and can bring about progress. But, enmity is undesirable and harms the human life.
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